by | May 5, 2022 | Personal Training Laois, Strength and Conditoining
🌟What is Programming?🌟 Programming is “the organisation and planning of training should be considered an art that is based on science” Bompa (1999). A well organised plan: • Eliminates random and aimless training practices • Removes poor training concepts or...
by | Apr 22, 2022 | Strength and Conditoining
🌟Upper body Strength Class🌟 Here is an example of the upper body sessions at the gym. Also if you are stuck for an upper body workout use the following: 🌟Warm up: Barbell floor press (empty) Band pull aparts Banded Dislocates Press-ups all 10 reps x 4 sets ...
by | Apr 20, 2022 | Personal Training Laois, Strength and Conditoining
🌟Cluster Sets🌟 🌟Clusters🌟 The use of rest intervals in between repetitions has been shown to improve performance in exercises that demand an optimal barbell velocity for power development (Haff 2008). The idea that inter-repetition rest could improve performance was...
by | Apr 11, 2022 | Strength and Conditoining
🌟TABATA🌟 Last weeks HIIT class I used TABATA. I used this to keep intensity high.✅️ 20sec on/10sec off Exercised used: Airline x 5 Rower x 5 Squat jumps x 5 KB swing x 5 Landmine rotations x 5 Banded bicep curls x 5 Banded triceps extension x 5 Great workout protocol...
by | Apr 9, 2022 | Personal Training Laois, Strength and Conditoining
🌟Client win🌟 🌟Client win🌟 Another client just finished the 12 week course here. @johnny__gorman came in to get back to himself following the covid restrictions and lack of movement and motivation from inactivity. A great character and solid consistant worker. Even on...
by | Apr 2, 2022 | Personal Training Laois, Strength and Conditoining
🌟TAKING ON NEW CLIENTS FOR APRIL + MAY🌟 🌟TAKING ON NEW CLIENTS FOR APRIL + MAY🌟 Some people ask me what is the biggest issues i see with people with regard gym work and the most common reply is always that it is very common for people to have a gym membership and not...