🌟Recovery Strategies🌟 🌟Here I talk about recovery, what it is, and some strategies that might help you. 🌟What is your favourite strategy to use? 🌟Hope this helps. If you want to work with me to improve your strength, conditioning or...
🌟Resistance and Speed Training for Running Based Sports🌟 🌟Resistance and Speed Training for Running Based Sports🌟 Hopefully anyone from the recreational runner to the elite athlete takes something away. I am always open to helping anyone improve and better themselves with...
🌟Review of hamstring Injuries🌟
Introduction 🌟Hamstring strain injuries in running based sports are said to be the most common cause for lost training and playing time (REF?). Approximately one in five professional soccer players will suffer a hamstring injury in any given season and up to 20% of...
🌟Client Win🌟
What have I learnt just in these 8 weeks while researching the physique world?🧑🎓 Be strong in all lifts✅️ Be consistent with the overall plan✅️ Be in a calorie surplus for most of the prep to build muscle✅️ Diet is a massive factor✅️ Here in these two photos Rita is...
🌟Energy System Physiology and Development🌟
🌟Energy system Physiology/Development🌟 Before we talk about energy system development and how I like to apply it with my athletes, we first must go over some key terms used in the explanation of the physiological changes and anatomical descriptions. Once we have...
🌟Goal Setting and Motivation🌟
🌟Goal Setting and motivation🌟 First of all, it is important to note that it is nearly impossible to motivate someone if they are not motivated themselves. In my experience and from my point of view, I have never directly motivated someone. If your own goals do not...
🌟Programming and Planning🌟
🌟What is Programming?🌟 Programming is “the organisation and planning of training should be considered an art that is based on science” Bompa (1999). A well organised plan: • Eliminates random and aimless training practices • Removes poor training concepts or...
🌟Upper body Strength Class🌟
🌟Upper body Strength Class🌟 Here is an example of the upper body sessions at the gym. Also if you are stuck for an upper body workout use the following: 🌟Warm up: Barbell floor press (empty) Band pull aparts Banded...
🌟Cluster Sets🌟
🌟Cluster Sets🌟 🌟Clusters🌟 The use of rest intervals in between repetitions has been shown to improve performance in exercises that demand an optimal barbell velocity for power development (Haff 2008). The idea that...
🌟Looking for 5 females to take on a 90 day transformation🌟
🌟New Clients🌟 Looking for 5 females to go on a 90 day transformation of loosing 10lbs of body fat and increasing strength. If any of the below relates to you then text me with "I'm in" You want to tone up and feel great ✅️ You want to learn how to keep it off after...